[Diybioto] arctic apples

Eric Boyd mrericboyd at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 19:34:47 EST 2017


Just heard about these on CBC Spark, really looking forward to trying 
one.  Essentially they silenced the gene that makes the enzyme that 
causes apples to brown, so now the apples stay white.

Some great pictures here:

Gigantic dump of info here, if you're curious about the genetics of 
apples and how this was done (pg 38 has a pretty diagram of the genes 
inserted and some of the primers used in the PCR to identify their 


They even have actual photos of the gels :-)

Apples are so well chosen in terms of a crop for genetic engineering; 
they are already propagated commercially by grafting to maintain genetic 
lineage, so there isn't even any change in how the industry manages 
orchards... I expect we'll see a lot more GMO apples if these have any 
level of success.


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