[Quadcopter] tiny quadcopter research

Eric Boyd mrericboyd at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 10 21:04:00 EST 2012

I found many tiny quadcopter builds, some with really good 
documentation.  Some fun links:


That top link is interesting, he basically used the ArduCopter stuff, 
but builds a much smaller airframe for it.  Upside: you'll be using all 
the same boards and code as for a much larger open source quadcopter 
capable of hefting cameras, etc, so your path upwards is easy (you could 
cannibalize, even).  Downside: those boards are expensive, $220 for the 
controller & IMU shield alone, plus you still need the ESC boards...

For small quadcopter, I'm thinking maybe we use something much less 
capable, e.g. the hobbyking controllers:

People talk about total builds in the $150 range, plus of course you'd 
need the transmitter, which is about $150 itself.

If I could spec and design a tiny quadcopter design (perhaps slightly 
larger than palm size?), and the total cost was $300, with *everything* 
you need, how many people would be interested?


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