[Jobs] Looking for math help - natural logs and calculating probabilities with standard deviation and mean.

Alan Majer alanmajer at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 12 13:34:42 EST 2021

I am looking for help with some math calculations. One time small gig that can be done remotely or via zoom etc.

There's a paper that gives probabilities that follow a log normal distribution. They calculate different percentiles based on that. I'd like some help using these values to generate my own probabilities in a spreadsheet and to check my numbers and assumptions (and most important, help explain some results by others who have used the same paper that are really puzzling me).  It's based on this paper for anyone interested:

I'll pay $50 an hour. Minimum 3 hours. May take longer, and have more questions following work with my spreadsheets if you're open to that as well. OR, if you can explain it in less than 30 mins great, $150 for that time. If that's not sufficient to interest all you great math-inclined minds, then please tell me what you think is a fair rate/charge for this, I'm open.

Also, ideal to do this sometime this week. Happy to schedule a few hours and walk through it all.



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