[Quadcopter] first meeting report

Eric Boyd mrericboyd at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 3 16:36:30 EST 2012

We had about 8 people at the meeting.  Dan's simulator was a huge hit.  
We added our names & budget/desires to the spreadsheet:


In general we're interested in two types of quadcopters:
  - super tiny, no features at all (about 5 people up for this, most 
want their own)
  - big, full wireless video heads up display (similarly about 5 people 
want shares of this)

There is some interest in autonomous stuff as well, but in my opinion we 
should defer that until after we've got some working quadcopters :-)

If you're up for some research, the google doc has sheets for all the 
parts: quadcopter base, radios, battery, FPV equipment, and of course 
"other" :-).  Try to focus on the open source stuff, since I think we'd 
all prefer that.

Given our experience with the flight simulator, I'm thinking that we 
should buy/make the little tiny guys first, and gain experience flying 
them around.  Costs less when we crash them!  Once we're more 
comfortable and know more, we can move into the more complicated 
FPV-capable quadcopter, which we can build out in stages.  Comments on 
this plan?


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