[Jobs] Fwd: Spread the word: postdoctoral researcher in Desktop Fabrication and Participatory Material Culture

Eric Boyd mrericboyd at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 27 18:01:56 EDT 2012

Please respond directly to Marie-Eve.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Spread the word: postdoctoral researcher in Desktop 
Fabrication and Participatory Material Culture
Date: 	Tue, 27 Mar 2012 10:35:32 -0400
From: 	Marie-Eve Belanger <me.belanger at utoronto.ca>
To: 	Eric Boyd <mrericboyd at yahoo.com>

Heya Eric!

We're looking for a postdoc researcher focused on Desktop Fabrication 
who will be working with me and Matt at the Inclusive Design 
Institute... can you pass the word around in your networks?
Full description here 
and I'm including the posting in PDF as well.


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